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Investment Management


Interactive Data

RemotePlus is Interactive Data's networked financial data server forworkstations. It gives users client-server access to Interactive'shistorical securities database, similar to the way they would access alocal relational database server. The database is updated daily. Itcovers both North American and Global debt and equity from the presentback to as early as 1968.Unlike terminal emulators or manual file transfers, RemotePlus works fromwithin applications, retrieving information for immediate use or forstorage in a local DBMS. RemotePlus gives users consistent access to anenormous range of current and historical securities information,including: pricing, descriptive, and corporate actions information onover 250, securities worldwide, covering virtually market andinstrument type; and fundamental and expectational databases such asCompustat, IBES, and Global Vantage.RemotePlus software connects automatically to Interactive's RemotePlusdatabase server, using dial or leased telephone lines, at speeds up to9600 baud. Pricing is by subscription; there are no variable or usage-based charges.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Interactive Data
95 Hayden Ave
Lexington, MA 02173
Phone: (617) 863-8100
Fax: (617) 860-8289